"The Simplicity and Flavor of Mizudashi Cold Brew Tea"

For tea lovers looking for a smooth, naturally sweet, and full-bodied beverage to sip on, Mizudashi cold brew tea is the perfect choice. Mizudashi is a traditional Japanese method of brewing tea using cold or room temperature water and relatively simple tools to produce a concentrate that can be enjoyed chilled or diluted.

Unlike Western style cold brewing which often requires special equipment, Mizudashi cold brew relies on time and the right ratio of tea to water to slowly extract flavor. By avoiding hot water, Mizudashi coaxes out the natural sugars and aromas in tea leaves without the bitter, astringent compounds that can develop from high heat. The resulting cold brew tea has a round, mellow taste and lush mouthfeel.

How Mizudashi Cold Brew Tea Works

The process of Mizudashi is straightforward: combine your choice of loose leaf tea with cool water in a pitcher or jar, and let it steep for an extended period of time. Typically a higher amount of tea is used compared to hot brewing methods, at a rough ratio of 1 tablespoon of tea per 3-4 cups of water. This ensures robust extraction in the cold water.

Pour just boiled water into your brew vessel and let it cool completely before adding tea leaves. This avoids chlorine taste and ensures the water temp is under 85F to prevent excessive bitterness. Allow the tea to steep in the fridge or at room temperature for anywhere from 6-12 hours, sampling occasionally until the desired strength is reached. Finally, strain the tea into a clean container.

The resulting Mizudashi tea concentrate keeps in the fridge for up to a week. To serve, pour it over ice and dilute to taste with water or milk. The possibilities for flavor customization are endless - try adding fresh citrus juice, herbs, or even turning your cold brew into a tea cocktail!

Best Teas for Mizudashi Cold Brew

Mizudashi works wonderfully with many styles of high quality loose leaf tea. Whole leaf Japanese green teas like sencha and gyokuro are excellent choices, releasing their fresh, grassy flavors without becoming overly vegetal. Light oolongs like those from China and Taiwan also do very well, yielding honeyed, floral notes. And for black tea lovers, Mizudashi can minimize tannic bite and bring out maltier flavors. Herbal teas are another good option, since their aromas are less affected by hot water.

Benefits of Mizudashi Cold Brew Tea

Beyond its sheer convenience and customizable nature, Mizudashi cold brew has some tangible benefits over hot brewing methods. Studies have shown that because it is not exposed to high heat, cold brew tea retains higher levels of health-promoting catechins and EGCG. The process also maintains more of the natural oils and aromas from tea leaves that hot water can destroy. This is why the flavor profile of cold brewed tea is typically rounder, sweeter, and more full bodied.

So if you're looking for an unfussy but artful way to enjoy tea's natural essences, try the time-honored tradition of Mizudashi. With just a bit of time and high quality loose leaf tea, you'll have a concentrated elixir that provides smooth sipping for many chilled drinks to come. Give Mizudashi's meditative simplicity a taste - your new favorite tea ritual awaits.

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